Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Final Two Weeks of Vacation?

As an avid blog-reader, my mind has been in back-to-school mode for weeks.  Most of the bloggers from whom I get my inspiration start school in August.  Lucky for me, I still have exactly two weeks before I return to work- the day after Labor Day.  Before you get too jealous, keep in mind that in New York our summer vacation doesn't BEGIN until June 26th...  Yes, we teach until the very end of June in a building with no air-conditioning.  No need to go into detail with that! 

The resources for teachers that have begun to surface on the Internet are invaluable.  I have spent so much time putting my own spin on the amazing ideas of my fellow teachers that I decided it's time I add to the blogosphere.  I hope my photos, blurbs, and adventures can give-back to the teachers who have helped me.   

After teaching in the upper grades (4th & 5th) for four years, I have descended into the grade where my heart really lies- first grade!  Last year I had the amazing experience of looping with my kindergarteners to first grade.  Our school had eight first grade classes and will only have two this year.  I spent the latter half of the year worried that there wouldn't be room for me in the first grade for the upcoming school year, but God was smiling down on me, and here I am, back in first grade!  I am anxious to meet my new class, but will definitely miss the group I spent the last two years with.

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